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Dashboard lets the visualize the Key Performance Indicators and other strategic data for the organization at a glance. It is the dashboard tool that presents management with the information for the practical end of the organization.

In layman terms dashboards are able to communicate the story the data.

Dashboard represents the data from unstructured data to a well-defined presentable format enabling the user an easier and quick analysis.

Create Dashboard

Dashboard can be created using the + icon on the top right of page under Dashboards section.

Below is the pointing to Dashboard listing view and components to create Dashboard

List Dashboards

For creating a New Dashboard, below mentioned details are the mandatory requirements to specify.

Dashboard NameThe name by which the user what the dashboard to be created
Dashboard TypeUser need to specify whether the type of dashboard whether it Quicksight or other. If Quicksight option is chosen, then the user must provide Quicksight Dashboard Id in the DashboardId field. The user would be able to view the Quicksight Dashboard in amorphic platform under Dashboard tab of selected Dashboard Details view or by clicking "View Dashboard" button in Dashboard Details page. If the user chooses "others", then he/she should provide the link to the dashboard in the Dashboard Id/url field.
DescriptionThe user needs to share a description for the dashboard that has been created

Notification settings can be configured from Settings page and using that user can choose the type of notification setting for the Dashboards. Please check the documentation on Notification settings.

Below is a graphic, running you through the process of creation of Dashboard and viewing it.

Create Dashboard Graphic

Filter Dashboard

User can filter the list of Dashboards by Dashboard Name and/or DashboardType and can reset the filters by clicking on Reset button.

View Dashboard

User can view the details of the Dashboard by clicking on "View Details" link at the bottom of desired Dashboard object.

The User can view the graphs of the linked Dashboard, Authorized Users and Authorized Groups once he/she clicks on View Details.

Authorized Users

This tab shows the list of users authorized to view Dashboard. The owner, can provide dashboard access to any other user in the system.

Access TypeDescription
OwnerThis User has permissions to edit the dashboard and provide access to other user for the dashboard.
Read-onlyThis user has limited permission to dashboard, such as view the details of the selected dashboard.

Authorized Groups

This tab shows the list of groups authorized to perform operations on the resources like Datasets, Dashboards, Models, Schedules etc. A group is a list of users given access to a resourse, in this case dashboard. Groups are created by going to User Profile -> Profile & Settings --> Groups

There are two type of access types:

Access TypeDescription
OwnerThis group of users has permissions to edit the resources and provide access to other user/groups for the resources.
Read-onlyThis group has limited permission to resources, such as view the details.