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Under Disaster Recovery Plan

Seamless Transition to Secondary Region

In the event of a catastrophic system failure or any other unforeseen circumstances that may disrupt the normal operation of amorphic services, the disaster recovery (DR) plan of amorphic ensures that we can swiftly and seamlessly restore essential functionality for the users. One critical aspect of this plan involves the provision of a new CloudFront URL, which serves as a gateway to access our Disaster Recovery application.

Upon activation of the disaster recovery procedures, users will be provided with a new CloudFront URL that is specifically configured to redirect traffic to the Amorphic DR application. This CloudFront URL acts as a reliable intermediary, efficiently routing users to the DR environment.

It's important to note that this CloudFront URL will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders through our established communication channels, ensuring that users are promptly informed of the alternative access point. This streamlined approach is designed to minimize disruption and provide a seamless experience, allowing users to continue their critical operations with minimal downtime during any unforeseen contingencies.

User Authentication and Access

Ensuring secure access to the Amorphic Disaster Recovery (DR) application is paramount in maintaining the integrity of the services. To enhance the security of user accounts and facilitate access during DR scenarios, we have implemented a robust user authentication and password reset process.

The Amorphic DR application employs a password reset mechanism. Users are migrated during the recovery process and can access the DR application by resetting their passwords through the "forgot password" reset process. Once the password has been reset, the users can access the DR application by utilizing the same authentication methods employed in the primary region.