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Omics Workflows

Omics Workflows enables processing genomics data using user defined workflows described in WDL or Nextflow. A single invocation of a workflow is called a run, and a single process within a run is called a task. Users have to upload a zip file containing the Workflow definition file(s) and Omics Workflows will automatically provision and scale the underlying infrastructure for running their bioinformatics workflow. A workflow can be run on genomics data stored in an Amorphic dataset or in an Omics Sequence store.


To use Omics Workflows, HCLS should be enabled in the environment.

How to create an Omics Workflow?

  1. Click on + New Omics Workflow
  2. Upload a zip file containing the Workflow definition file(s).
  3. Fill in the required fields (Details listed below)
Workflow NameA name for the Omics Workflow. Workflow Name should only contain 1-128 alphanumeric, - & _ characters.
Workflow EngineThe desired workflow definition engine: WDL or Nextflow
DescriptionDescription of the workflow being created.
MainAn optional attribute which specifies which file should be the entry point for workflow execution.
Storage CapacityDesired storage capacity for the workflow, can be between 1-20,000 GB.
KeywordsKeywords indexed & searchable in app. Choose meaningful keywords to flag related workflows & easily find them later.
Dataset Read/Write AccessSpecifies which all datasets the workflow needs Read/Write access to respectively.

Atmost 1 dataset can be specified for write access. If it is specified, worklow output will be written to this dataset.

Below image shows how to create a new Omics Workflow: Create Workflow

Once a workflow is created ,the details page will be as shown below: Workflow Details

How to run an Omics Workflow

  1. Select the Omics Workflow that you want to run and go to RUNS tab.
  2. Click on + Trigger Run
  3. Fill in the required fields (Details listed below)
Run NameA name for the Omics Workflow Run. Workflow Run Name should only contain 1-128 alphanumeric, - & _ characters.
Storage CapacityDesired storage capacity for the workflow run, can be between 1-20,000 GB.
Log LevelRequired log level for the workflow run. Can be any of OFF, FATAL, ERROR or ALL.
Run ParametersThe parameters required to run the workflow.

Below image show how to start Omics Workflow Run:

Start Omics Workflow Run

Below image show Omics Workflow Runs:

Omics Workflow Runs


You can cancel a Workflow Run while it is in Pending, Starting or Running state.

How to download Omics Workflow Run logs

  1. Click on the Omics Workflow Run you want the logs for.
  2. Click on Generate Logs button.
  3. After the successful generation of logs, you can download logs of respective runs by clicking Download Logs button.

Below image show how to download Omics Workflow Run Logs: Download Omics Workflow Run Logs


You can view details of each tasks of an Omics Workflow Run and download logs of each tasks by going to the Run Tasks section of an Omics Workflow Run.