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Ext-FS connection[Deprecated]


To use External FileSystem (Ext-FS) connections, Admins need to enable it. Reach out to admins if it is unavailable.

Create an Ext-FS connection

Amorphic provides functionality to create connections to import data through various connections like JDBC, S3, ext-api and ext-fs.

You can create new connection in Amorphic by using the "New Connection" button in the connections listing page.

Connection TypeExternal File System (ext-fs)
Connection NameConnection name for the connection.
DescriptionDescription of the connection.
Authorized UsersSelect the users who are authorized to perform data ingestion using the connection.
Host OSSelect the OS (Windows or Linux) from which the data is being ingested into S3/DWH.

Create ext-fs connection

After the connection is created, it will provide a command and link to download the csclone binary file. Download the file through the command or download link.

Created ext-fs connection

Create a Dataset

Once a connection is created, create a dataset with the ext-fs connection. After the dataset is created it provides a command to run the ingestion process:

<csclone-file> [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --s3-bucket-name <s3-bucket-name> --source <source>

Create ext-fs dataset

Created ext-fs dataset

Start the Data ingestion

Copy the csclone file downloaded in step 1 into the source machine. Use the below commands for securely copying the files:

$ chmod 400 <csclone-file> (run this to protect the file against accidental overwriting)
$ scp <localmachine/path_to_the_file> <username>@<server_ip>:/<path_to_remote_directory>

Note: If you’re using an AWS EC2 as your source machine then use the following command to copy the file:

$ chmod 400 <csclone-file> (run this to protect the file against accidental overwriting)
$ scp -i <ec2_private_key>.pem <localmachine/path_to_the_file> <user>@<server_ip>:<path_to_remote_directory>

In source machine, add the execute permission to the file using the below command:

$ chmod +x <csclone-file>

Run the ingestion execute command (provided in dataset) in the source machine which will trigger a process thread. This thread will start to continuously monitor the path for the files and saved to S3.

Start ext-fs ingestion

Once the files are ingested, the dataset will be updated with the files.

Files of ingested dataset