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Insights allow you to monitor Jobs, Schedules, Workflows, DQChecks, and DMSTasks and view the status of the last 10 executions (Full-Load-CDC and CDC type of DMSTasks will only display the status of the most recent execution) quickly. Additionally, you can grant access to the Insight to other users or groups.

How to Create Insight?

List Insights

To create Insights:

  1. Click on + New Insights
  2. Fill in the fields listed below:
Access TypeDescription
Insight NameName to be used for the Insight
Link ResourcesSpecify the Resource Type and Resource Name to add resources. Resources available to you will be displayed in the dropdown menu.
DescriptionDescription the Insight purpose and other important details.

The order in which the user adds the resources will be the same order in which it will be displayed in the Details page.

Edit Insight

You can edit Insight metadata using the Edit Insight button, and the changes will be reflected in the Details/Watch page.

The Edit Insight page is divided into two sections:

Your edits are visible on the Details/Watch page. Additionally, the Insight page is split into two sections.

  • Basic Info: This section is to update all the basic details of an insight.
  • Linked Resources: This section is to update linked resources which are displayed in insight.

View Insight

You can view the details of the Insight. This includes basic metadata, the ability to watch linked resources with the last 10 executions, and a list of authorized users and authorized groups.


The last 10 executions are sorted and displayed according to LastModifiedTime for Jobs and Schedules, and StartTime for Workflows, DQChecks, and Full-Load DMSTasks.