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Custom Script

Users can create custom logic for processing file results using a Python script. The script must adhere to the specified template for it to function correctly. This script should be defined within the 'DocumentHandler' class. While users have the flexibility to define additional methods as per their needs, the primary logic should be implemented within the 'execute_custom_script' method within the class. To assist users, we have supplied a script template that they can refer to when crafting their script.

Script Template

As mentioned in in the template below, the script constructor would initialize the parameters such as file metadata and results returned from the business rules(if any). There are several sample methods available for retrieving and updating result values, as well as for marking a file or a target key for review. Additionally, a couple of methods related to Textract queries have been included for reference.

import logging
import boto3

LOGGER = logging.getLogger()

class DocumentHandler:
def __init__(self, metadata, results):
"""Class constructor

metadata (object): Object containing metadata that can be useful in the script
Sample -> {
"FileKey": <s3_path_of_raw_file>,
"TextractOutputFileKey": <s3_path_of_textract_output_file>,
"AWSRegion": "",
"DataBucketName": <S3_bucket_containing_raw_and_textract_output_files>,
"ConfigBucketName": <S3_bucket_containing_config_file_if_present>,
"ConfigFileKey": <s3_path_of_config_file_if_present>
results (object): Object containing the key-value pairs returned from business rules along with some review details: {
Results: {
<key1>: <value>,
<key2>: <value>,
"ReviewStatus": "not-required"/"pending-review" -> Review Status at the file level
"Message": "" -> Add a message at file level
"KeyLevelReviewDetails": {
<key>: {
"FlagForReview": True/False, -> Flag a key for review
"Message": "", -> Add a message at a key level
"FlaggedBy": ""
} - Review Status at an individual key level
self.metadata = metadata
self.results = results
self.output_dataset_keys = metadata['OutputDatasetKeys']
self.AWS_REGION = metadata['AWSRegion']
self.DATA_BUCKET_NAME = metadata['DataBucketName']

def get_results_object(self):
"""Returns all the key and values in results
return self.results['Results']

def get_result_value(self, output_key):
"""Returns the value corresponding to a given key
output_key (string): Key whose value needs to be fetched
if output_key in self.output_dataset_keys:
return self.results['Results'][output_key]
LOGGER.error("The given key does not exist in the result data")

def set_result_value(self, output_key, result_value):
"""Update the value corresponding to the given key
output_key (string): Key whose value needs to be updated
result_value (string): Updated value corresponding to the given key
if output_key in self.output_dataset_keys:
self.results['Results'][output_key] = result_value
LOGGER.error("The provided key - %s is not a part of the OutputDatasetKeys", output_key)

def flag_file(self, message = ''):
"""Flag the file for review

message (str, optional): Message stating the reason for flagging. Defaults to ''.
self.results['ReviewStatus'] = 'pending-review'
if message:
self.results['Message'] = message

def flag_result(self, output_key, message = ''):
"""Flag a particular key for review

output_key (string): Key that needs to be flagged
message (str, optional): Message stating the reason for flagging. Defaults to ''.
if output_key in self.output_dataset_keys:
self.results['KeyLevelReviewDetails'][output_key]['FlagForReview'] = True
if message:
self.results['KeyLevelReviewDetails'][output_key]['Message'] += f"\n{message}"
LOGGER.error("The provided key - %s is not a part of the OutputDatasetKeys", output_key)

def get_query_result_by_id(self, response, id):
"""Get the value and confidence score for a QUERY_RESULT block with given Id.
response (json): JSON response returned by textract
id (string): Id for to the query result block

object: Value & confidence score if found, otherwise None
for b in response["Blocks"]:
if b["BlockType"] == "QUERY_RESULT" and b["Id"] == id:
return {
"Value": b.get("Text"),
"Confidence": b.get("Confidence")
return None

def get_query_results_for_alias(self, response, q_alias):
"""Get a list of query results (value & confidence score) for a given alias
response (json): JSON response returned by textract
q_alias (string): alias used in query

object[]: List of query results for the given alias
"value": <query_result>,
"confidence": <confidence_score_if_present>
results = []
for b in response["Blocks"]:
if b["BlockType"] == "QUERY" and b["Query"]["Alias"] == q_alias:
if b.get("Relationships"):
ref_id = b["Relationships"][0]["Ids"][0]
result = self.get_query_result_by_id(response, ref_id)
if result:
return results

def run_synchronous_textract_queries(self, queries):
"""Run a list of synchronous textract queries for the file and get the response

Note: In case textract query fails due to Throughput Exception, you can define a textract client with custom config with more retries

from botocore.client import Config
max_attempts = <define_according_to_use_case> (default retries is 3)
config = Config(retries = dict(max_attempts=max_attempts, mode="standard"))
TEXTRACT_CLIENT = boto3.client("textract", region_name=AWS_REGION, config=config)

queries (object[]): List of queries to run
"Text": "",
"Alias": "" (optional),
"Pages": "" (optional, defaulted to ["1-*"])

(json): json response from textract queries
textract_client = boto3.client('textract', self.AWS_REGION)
queries_config = []
for query in queries:
config = {
'Text': query['Text'],
'Pages': query.get('Pages', ["*"])
if query.get("Alias"):
'Alias': query['Alias']
file_key = self.metadata['FileKey']
response = textract_client.analyze_document(
Document = {
'S3Object': {
'Bucket': self.DATA_BUCKET_NAME,
'Name': file_key
QueriesConfig = {
'Queries': queries_config
return response

def execute_custom_script(self):
"""Write the custom code for the given script here

Custom Script Run logs

Whenever a custom script is defined for a process flow, and a user wishes to verify if the script is functioning as intended, they can access and download the run logs for that specific run. Users can review and retrieve these logs directly from the details of the corresponding run.

Below image shows how to download the run logs Download Run Logs

Custom Script Configuration

Users also have the option to specify a particular JSON configuration that they wish to access within their custom script. This configuration can be defined while updating the process flow, and if provided, the file will be uploaded to S3 for reference in the script. This file can be accessed in the custom script using the ConfigBucketName and the ConfigFileKey properties present in the metadata object.

Below image shows how to add a configuration for custom script Custom Configuration

Sample snippet for accessing the custom configuration in the custom script

def execute_custom_script(self):
"""Write the custom code for the given script
config_bucket_name = self.metadata['ConfigBucketName']
config_file_key = self.metadata['ConfigFileKey']

# Get the S3 object
response = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=config_bucket_name, Key=config_file_key)

# Read the content of the object
object_content = response['Body'].read()

# Parse the JSON content
config_json_data = json.loads(object_content.decode('utf-8'))

# Now you can work with the JSON data as required