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Version: v2.5 print this page

Scheduled Backend Jobs

With Scheduled backend jobs, you can monitor the progress of all ongoing backend tasks within the Amorphic system. This includes their execution rate and any additional information.

Scheduled Backend Jobs Listing page

Below image contains the details of a sample scheduled backend job:

Scheduled Backend Jobs Details page

Enabling/Disabling Backend Jobs

A selected set of backend jobs can be toggled on/off. These include:

  1. Data Profiling Job
  2. Resource Sync
  3. Update CloudWatch Logs Retention Policy

Ability to run Backend Jobs on user request

With release version 2.5, users now can run the some backend jobs when they request. These includues

  1. Alert High Costing Resource
  2. Auto Terminate Rosources
  3. Backup Cloudwatch Logs to S3
  4. Backup Observability Logs to S3
  5. Resource Sync
  6. Data Profiling Job
  7. Workflows time based Event

For jobs Backup Cloudwatch Logs to S3 and Backup Observability Logs to S3 user need to specify the date range, then the logs during that period will load backfill to S3.

For Data Profiling Job users need to select the dataset Ids to run the profiling job. Data profiling job for maximum of only 10 datasets can triggered in a single request.


Users can backfill API Gateway logs of max 30 days older and for the Observability logs backfill period is 10 days.