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Enable DKIM for Amorphic email address

Enabling DKIM will become increasingly important if the DMARC checking is enabled on their mail servers of the deployed environment. Once DKIM is enabled then the emails will be delivered to the Inbox folder instead of Spam/Junk folder. This process takes a few minutes, and is a one-time action per deployment:

  1. Go to SES in AWS Console and find the email address
  2. Go to the DKIM section of the page and click on the 'Generate DKIM Settings' button
  3. Select "Download Record Set as CSV"
  4. Create a Zendesk ticket attaching the CSV file specifying which deployment this relates to.
  5. Once the Amorphic team added the CNAME records. It will take up to 72 hours to reflect the changes.
  6. Once the process is completed successfully, SES should look similar to the below with DKIM: enabled and DKIM Verification Status: verified

DKIM Settings