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Creating a Parquet dataset

Amorphic supports dataset creation for Parquet on the following Target types,

  • Redshift
  • S3Athena
  • S3
  • LakeFormation
  • AuroraMySQL isn't currently available for Parquet type dataset
  • The Sample file to be uploaded during dataset creation should be of CSV format

Following are the steps, as shown below, to create a Parquet dataset,

  • Go to create dataset page, select File Type as Parquet and fill out the appropriate values to remaining fields as per your requirement


  • In the second page, Upload Schema, you'd be asked to upload a sample file to extract schema for the dataset. The sample file, should be of CSV file type even for Parquet type datasets.



  • After uploading the sample file, click next to review to the extracted schema and if the schema looks as per requirement, click Publish Dataset