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Notification Settings

Notification Settings in Amorphic helps user to get fine grain control on notification preferences apart from global notification setting. Below are the resources where user can control the notification settings.


Users can configure the notification settings for the resources after navigating to the above page.


These setting are dependent on the global notification settings of the user, for example if the user doesn't have email subscription as Subscribed then he/she does not receive any email as per the configuration. This setting can be changed from Profile Settings --> Profile --> Alert Preferences

As of now only Email Notifications are supported in Amorphic


Below are the notification settings available for connection resources:

UpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in connection metadata
DeleteA notification will be sent if the connection is deleted.
AuthUpdateWhenever there is any change to the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked a notification will be sent.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for connections Connection notifications


Below are the notification settings available for dataset resources:

UpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in dataset metadata
DeleteA notification will be sent if the dataset is deleted.
DataUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change to the data in the dataset.
DataErrorThis option sends a notification to user if there is any error during the dataload to the dataset.
AuthUpdateWhenever there is any change to the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked a notification will be sent.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings Dataset notifications


Below are the notification settings available for dashboard resources:

UpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in dashboard metadata
DeleteA notification will be sent if the dashboard is deleted.
AuthUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change in the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for dashboards Dashboard notifications


Below are the notification settings available for insight resources:

UpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in insight metadata
DeleteA notification will be sent if the insight is deleted.
AuthUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change in the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for Insights Insight notifications


Below are the notification settings available for job resources:

UpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in ETL Job metadata
DeleteA notification will be sent if the ETL job is deleted.
ScriptUpdateThis option sends a notification to the user when there is a change in the ETL Job script.
AuthUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change in the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked.
ExecutionsSuccessA notification will be sent when the job execution is successful.
ExecutionsErrorA notification will be sent when the job execution is failed.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for ETL jobs Job notifications


Below are the notification settings available for schedule resources:

DeleteA notification will be sent if the schedule is deleted.
AuthUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change in the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked.
ExecutionsSuccessA notification will be sent when the schedule execution is successful.
ExecutionsErrorA notification will be sent when the schedule execution is failed.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for schedules Schedule notifications


Below are the notification settings available for workflow resources:

UpdateA notification will be sent if the workflow is updated.
DeleteA notification will be sent if the workflow is deleted.
AuthUpdateA notification will be sent if there is any change in the authorization grants like Users added/removed, Group access granted/revoked.
NodeExecutionFailureA notification will be sent when a node belonging to a workflow fails.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for workflows Workflow notifications

Connection Tasks

Below are the notification settings available for connection tasks:

TaskCreateA notification will be sent if the task is created.
TaskDeleteA notification will be sent if the task is deleted.
TaskUpdateA notification will be sent if any changes are made to the task.
TaskSuccessA notification will be sent if the task executed successfully.
TaskErrorA notification will be sent if the task execution failed or is running with errors.

Please follow the below animation as a reference to configure the notification settings for connection tasks Connection task notifications